I like G. Like a lot. Like a ridiculously huge amount of like.
But of course.
He's gay.
He's freaking gay.
Don't get me wrong here, I have plenty of lesbian, gay and bisexual friends! I love non heterosexual people! As well as heterosexual people. I never had any problems with them and I fully support their rights.
I was telling a friend about how I really really liked G. That I was so happy to have finally met a guy who will put up with all my annoyingness and listen to all my crap and had all the same interests that I did. A guy who I could act like best friends with. How I liked him so much.
And she looked upset.
Oddly upset.
And then she told me:
"I dunno if you're supposed to know this or not, but I really think that he's gay. He told me that he was gay twice, both times casually in conversation but with a serious tone."
Of course, his tumblr page said "i'm like gay" on it and of course he dressed very nicely (almost too nicely) for a guy. Of course this was all starting to make sense to me. Of course. Of course of course of course.
After school, he was waiting for me since we walk down the hallway together. So I asked him kinda straightforwardly: "Are you straight?"
He told me that he would tell me about that later.
Yep. That proves it. I have the biggest crush ever on a gay guy.
The thing is,
I can't even be mad at him or anything.
I mean, he can't really help it, can he?
It's the way he naturally is, I guess, the same way that I'm naturally straight.
So this settles it.
When I finally...finally find a guy...who is so freaking beautiful looking and nice and accepts me for me and everything...he'll never like me because he literally can't.
I guess it doesn't change anything whether he's gay or straight.
I mean, he wouldn't have liked me either way, right?
So what am I supposed to do now.
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